Тут небольшой отчет моей сингапурской подруги о выступлении XVOI на Rok Da Mic 2 14.12.21! @swirlsof: At Rok Da Mic 2, Samuel poured water over New Champ. The 2nd time it spoilt the mic and Champ looked like he was gonna kill someone!
@swirlsof: He asked who did it as he didn't see and both Nucksal and Young Jay just pointed out to Samuel when they were both egging him on earlier HAH!
@swirlsof: And when you think that mics don't get spoilt from water spray attacks..... you are proven wrong by Samuel. Hahha
@swirlsof: @i_hyung hahaha. XVOI stage was AMAZEBALLS! Liked how Samuel had to talk damn fast in order not to waste time! Haha v efficient leader
Эмэйз..А это ее твитт, после которого я ржала час. Я реально ржала час и я просто не могла..
@swirlsof I just stared at Samuel Seo in the face. OMG so scary. We're in the club and he's waiting to perform. His face is so fierce omoТЫ ПУГАЕШЬ ФАНАТОК, товарищ суровый корейский рэппер
Просто иллюстрация к тому, как хочется сказать лицопапроще xD